The DC Comics Super Hero Collection is a fortnightly magazine collection by Eaglemoss Publications and DC Comics released on the 15th March 2008 in the United Kingdom, featuring hand painted lead figures of characters from DC comic books as well as an informational magazine about the character. The collection consists of two regular issues a month, with a special issue released every two months to accommodate the larger characters in the DC Universe.
Contents |
All issues are listed in the order of release.
These are the specials that have been released so far.
In January 2011, Eaglemoss started releasing a subset based on the acclaimed Blackest Night and Brightest Day storylines. The size and base of the figurines is the same as the regular figurines while the DC Comics logo on the base is replaced by the various Corps logos.
The DC Super-Hero Figurine Collection won the "Magazine of the Year" award in the Diamond Gem Award 2009 and 2010. [1]
The Classic Marvel Figurine Collection